Sunday, April 18, 2010

Farewell PARTAY!!

"Quick, quick, switch off the lights! they are coming! be quiet!". sounds like what a captain would say to his troops in a battle, doesn't it?

surprise, surprise. those urgent commands were uttered by none other than the organizing committee of the Farewell Party
(FP) on the 7th of November 2009 as the Form Five ex-members of the band were making their way up to the band room. the theme of the FP this year is "Aloha", which means "hello, or goodbye". goodbye, to the ex-members, but hello to the new and better things which are yet to come. but i digress.

back to the scene where the head of the program department calls out to us to switch off the lights and turn on our flashlights and take our places to welcome the ex-members with a bang. as they made their way in on red carpet to the makeshift stage at the other end of the room, we flashed the flashlights in every direction and waved cards with their names and stuff like "i love you!" or "you rock!". the room was even darkened with sugar paper stuck on the windows so the paparazzi effect was maximized. as cool and Hollywood-ish this seemed, nothing could beat the balloons falling down from the ceiling as the ex-members were in the middle of the room. it was fabulous.

moving on. the ex-members and members sat down at the foot of the stage so the dramas prepared by each form for the ex-members can be performed. after a speech by the teacher adviser, Madam Hardeep, the Form Ones got the ball rolling as they performed first. the dramas were lame with funny bits, and everyone burst into laughter. what helped in adding more fun into the whole programme was the right company. we all knew each other pretty well, and spending time together, joking and fooling around was the best way to deepen friendships.
then it was the time to listen to the ex-members' recount of their experiences in band, and lessons we could learn from them. the recount was quite moving as they shared their struggles, and the joy of being in the band, and also when they gave encouraging messages and gifts to fellow juniors. indeed,
band life is not a bed of roses, there is much hard work involved, but the friendships and good memories found in the process are worth it. this was the message we gleaned from them. when they presented us juniors with thoughtful presents and encouragement, we were very touched. of course, we and the organizing committee prepared presents for them too. at the end of the FP, all of us rushed to give our beloved Form Fives gifts and take photos with them.

that wraps up the Farewell Party 2009, and we wish
the backdrop
glittery cards greeting the ex-members
pitch dark surroundings for maximum "camera flash" effect
the form fives of year 2009

*Credit of pictures goes to Daphne Ng

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