Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Deputy Drum Major of year 2010 is .........

from left: Nai Hai An, Lim You Zhi, Kendrick Wong
well, we do not know the answer to that question yet.

however, luckily we do not have to wait long for the unveiling of the new deputy drum major, who in future will be the (no prizes for guessing this one!)
DRUM MAJOR of the band! on the 23rd of April 2010, keng xin, the current drum major, will be announcing his successor. whoa. sounds grand, doesn't it? it most certainly is a grand affair.

according to the tradition of the band, only the drum major and his trainees can touch and hold the mace. if you are unsure what a mace is, Google it. or you can just refer to the photographs attached. the stick-like thing is called the mace. back to the topic. the drum major leads the band during parades and marching events, and he takes care of the standard of British march of the band. the mace is his symbol of authority, so to speak. during parades, he commands the members by making certain signs using the mace and hand signals. plus, according to tradition yet again, no one can cross over the mace. we must only walk around the mace. so if by any chance the mace blocks a doorway, we can walk through it until the drum major, deputy drum major or the trainees remove it. but that doesn't happen. at least, not yet.

so isn't being a drum major glamorous? it is, considering the fact that only guys have a chance to be one, and only one girl in the history of the band ever got chosen to be a trainee. while leading the band with the all-powerful mace is cool, there is hard work involved, too.

the trainees who are up for the post of deputy drum major are Lim You Zhi, Nai Hai An, and Kendrick Wong. they each have their own unique qualities, so it's rather difficult to make a choice. let's just hope the Chosen One would bring the band to greater heights and fall short of the great expectations placed on him!
from left: Kendrick Wong, Lim You Zhi, Kok Keng Xin, Nai Hai An

*Credit of pictures goes to Daphne Ng

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